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20.06.2011 Oslo ICU Presidiums Meeting
04.10.2018 - 2018 Danish Congress in Aalborg
ICU visited Danish colleagues' Congress in Aalborg, Denmark. In the pi...
27.08.2018 - Get your ICU Bagde
Once again ICU will attend the Festival in Santa Maria Maggiore. Make ...

The name ICU means International Confederation of Chimney Sweepers Trade Unions. This is what the ICU stands for as a strong partner in Europe.
The profession of a chimney sweeper lives from the change. We can learn a lot for the development of our own work from experiences gained by our colleagues.
Chimney Sweepers are also in need of a lobby. The traditional activities in particular but also the modern ones which are part of the chimney sweeper’s trade must be presented and justified to the political decision makers at national and international level over and over again.
Once a year all delegates meet for the so called Annual Meeting of the confederation. Here the President and the Vize presidents will be elected as well as the treasurer of the ICU. 
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